
Lens is a cross-platform desktop photo app, built using NW.js, and detailed in a tutorial on


Make sure that you have Node.js installed, and the following global npm dependencies:

You can install these globally with the following command:

npm install -g nw nw-builder

Next, after checking out the repo, change directory into it, and run the following command:

npm install

Next, run NW.js on it:


If you want to then build a binary version for your computer, run the following command:

nwbuild -p win32,win64,osx32,osx64,linux32,linux64 PATH_TO_LENS_FOLDER

About the author

My name is Paul Jensen. I'm the founder of Anephenix, the lead developer of the SocketStream web framework, and the creator of Dashku, an open source realtime dashboard. I'm based in Amsterdam, and I'm currently writing a book on NW.js for Manning Publications - "NW.js in Action"